Sunday 18 May 2014

Ancient Egyptian inspiration - Hieroglyphs

The ancient Hieroglyphs were a way of expressing their writing by alphabetic elements. For the important statements that they wanted to write they used papyrus paper, this was usually used for important subjects such as religious literature.

The Hieroglyphs were filled up with many symbols that each represents an important meaning/belief.

[Ancient stone carved hieroglyphs]
[Ancient Alphabet] 

In today's life artists still look back at the Hieroglyphs as a source of inspiration.

Recently I've been searching and i came across these 3 illustrations which were made by Josh Lane. You can immediately notice that he was influenced by Egyptians and their Hieroglyphs as he created parodies of characters from different childhood movies.

Another way of new art is tattoos. People all over the world has explored the idea of having a tattoo and some were inspired by Hieroglyphs for theirs.
  • These are a few that in my opinion looks tackles the idea of Hieroglyphs very well.

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