Sunday 23 March 2014

George Seurat - Pointillism

George Seurat was a fine artist which took part of the Neo-Impressionism movement in the history of Art.

The Neo-Impressionism movement defined an idea of avant-garde art that was found and developed in France 1886 to 1906. Artists within this era were interested in science and the study of optics.

Seurat experimented with colour pigments. He developed a technique of drawing which he called 'Pointillism'. This showed a rational and scientific approach to colour and light.

One of Seurat's most known painting is 'A Sunday afternoon on the island of Grande Jatte'- 1884. This took him quite a long time to finish it up as it is painted on a large scale and the technique chosen was very time consuming.

[George Seurat, 1884, A Sunday afternoon on the island of Grande Jatte, Pointilism,
2.08 m x 3.1 m, Art Institute of Chicago Building]

This painting showed how Seurat has approached a very good outcome with the use of the vibrant contrast and the brilliant highlights created with a huge amount of dots with paint. 

  • This is a very interesting website which showes the painting of Seurat in HD + zoom (you can identify the composition of small dots).

  • This video shows a very good explanation of the idea behind Seurat and Pointillism. 

Recently I went to an art exhibition which was held at the st.James Cavalier, Valletta/Malta. The exhibition consisted of many artists and one of them was Steve Bonello. I noticed that his work really resembles that of Seurat as he used the same technique but instead of using dots of paint he used small felt-pen strokes.

[Steve Bonello, Il-Poeta tan-Natura, Technical pens and coloured inks]

The same thing, Bonello used the scientific approach of colour contrasts.

Heilbrum timeline of Art History, Georges Seurat (1859–1891) and Neo–Impressionism,, [Accessed on 23/3/14]

Wikipedia, A Sunday afternoon on the island of Grande Jatte,,
[Accessed on 23/3/14]


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